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Software piracy hurts software manufacturers and end users alike-using an illegal product is never safe. Legal software ensures that third parties cannot introduce detrimental code changes. ABBYY makes every effort to protect its intellectual property rights and the security of its customers through a variety of anti-piracy measures.
If a product is licensed for use on a certain number of computers, installing it on a greater number of computers will violate the License Agreement as well as of the copyright law of the Russian Federation and international copyright law. Product activation technology controls the number of installations of a product and prevents installing one copy on an unlimited number of PCs, unless the License Agreement otherwise provides.
If the product is used in compliance with the terms of the License Agreement, it can be re-installed and activated an unlimited number of times. A built-in Activation Wizard is used to activate the program. To activate your product, you must provide ABBYY with the serial number of the product and the Installation ID that was generated by the installation program. The Installation ID does not include any personal information about the user or the system and cannot be used to identify the user.
The software will be activated automatically, and within a few seconds you will receive a message saying that the product is ready for use. The Activation Wizard will generate an e-mail message containing the necessary activation information. To ensure a quick reply from the activation server, please do not alter the information in the message body or subject field. In the Activation Wizard, select “By fax or phone” and click “Next”.
Select your country to see the contact information of ABBYY offices or partners with which you can activate your program by phone or fax. Depending on your region, you can either phone the nearest ABBYY office or partner and provide your Installation ID and serial number to the operator, or fax the information.
To activate your program by fax, simply print and fax the activation message that is automatically generated by the Activation Wizard to the fax number specified by the Activation Wizard. Be sure to provide your phone or fax number which will be used to communicate to you an Activation Code.
Enter this code into the corresponding field of the Activation Wizard to activate the program. If you choose to activate the product over the Internet, the product will be activated automatically.
If you choose to activate the product by phone, fax, or e-mail, you will need to enter the Activation Code or Activation File you receive from ABBYY into the corresponding field of the Activation Wizard. No personal information about the user is sent to ABBYY during activation and the user remains completely anonymous.
The Installation ID does not include: personal information about the user; information about other software or data that may reside on the PC; or information about the specific make or model of the PC. The code is used solely for the purpose of activation.
The Installation Wizard sends only limited information to the ABBYY activation server, including: your specific Installation ID and the name, serial number, version number, and interface language of your copy of the product.
This information is used only to select the correct language and contents for a reply message that is sent to you to confirm the results of activation. None of this data will be used for any other purpose. Minor changes to the configuration of your system will not require re-activation.
If major changes are made to the system i. Box 20 Moscow, Russia, Tel. By e-mail The Activation Wizard will generate an e-mail message containing the necessary activation information. Once the product has been activated it is ready for use on your system. All rights reserved.
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About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. This website uses cookies to improve ABBYY FineReader 14 Corporate Crack Free Download your experience while you navigate through the website. Out ABBYY FineReader 14 Corporate Crack Free Download of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Jun 06, · Download Now (% Working Link) ABBYY FineReader Crack is a good PDF FILE and OCR software application with regard to easily growing business efficiency when working with files. It provides effective documents, however, It’s simple to use tools to get into and change information which locked within paper-based Ebooks. and paperwork.