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Parallels Desktop for Mac – Download ( Latest) – Parallels_Desktop_14.1.2-454
この商品について. Parallels Desktop 14 for Macは、再起動せずにMacでWindowsアプリが使える簡単・高速・高機能な世界標準のソリューションです。 Parallels Desktop – 再起動せずに Mac で Windows を動かせます。セットアップが簡単。瞬時にダウンロード無償で今すぐお試しください。
Parallels Desktop Crack For Mac Free Download.マンスリーソフトウェアニュース
Parallels Desktop fans can immediately download and try out the latest version of the software, despite Parallels Inc. It will be available to the general public, both a downloadable version and packaged software for delivery, from www. However, new users can nonetheless get the software right now. To be able to use the trial version, users will have to request a trial license key using the “Get Trial” button on the lower left side of the start-up dialog when first running the software.
Your trial activation key gives you access to a complete version of Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac and all of its innovative features.
Download Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac. Speaking of features, Parallels Desktop 7 brings OS X Lion compatibility, including support for Full-Screen Apps, and Launchpad integration, which allows you to add Windows apps to Launchpad and use the Windows folder to access other Windows programs from the interface.
Users also get OS X Lion-style animations when opening new Windows programs windows in Coherence, and there is now support for the Lion-specific Resume function – it extends to Windows apps too. Softpedia Homepage. Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac application icon. Click to load comments. All rights reserved.