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[SOLVED] Windows 10 – how to create default profiles
Transwiz Freeware Edition is a standalone executable; it does not need to be installed or uninstalled. Download and run the msi file to extract the Transwiz. DefProf updates the Default Windows User Profile with the documents and settings from another user profile that you specify.
Just copy DefProf onto your executable path, and type “defprof”. You must have administrative privileges. Customers who need to automate the migration of Windows workstations should email support ForensiT. LogMon monitors log files in real time in a console window. LogMon was written for a customer who needed to watch the progress of an automated User Profile Wizard workstation migration.
The download file includes an example script that includes LogMon in a standard User Profile Wizard “Deployment Kit” generated vbscript. However, LogMon can be used to monitor any text based log file. Here logfile is the path to the log file you want to monitor. Download LogMon. If you run a migration script from a Group Policy, the default “Deployment Kit” generated script will fail to reboot the machine.
The reason is that the script is run in a security context that does not have the privileges needed. Customers who tried to run the Windows shutdown utility reported the same issue. To get around the problem we created our own version that explicitly acquires the necessary privileges.
The download includes an example script. Download Shutdown. While it uses an MSI installer, the program only extracts an executable file in the same folder, which is the utility you will use to create the default profile.
Once you have launched the utility, instructions will be available in the command-line window. Essentially, you need to type Defprof, followed by the name of the profile you would like to set as the default. After the task has been completed, all new users profiles should use the settings and documents taken from the account designated as the default.
DefProf Free Download Latest – DefProf Download Information
User Profile Wizard will migrate your current user profile to your new domain, Azure AD, or local, user account so that you can keep all your existing data and settings. Read our User Profile Wizard Feature Comparison to find out what additional features are available in the Corporate and Professional editions. User Profile Wizard Freeware Edition is a standalone executable; it does not need to be installed or uninstalled. Download and run the msi file to extract the Profwiz. Transwiz – User Profile Transfer Wizard – makes it easy to transfer your personal data and settings to a new computer.
Transwiz Freeware Edition is a standalone executable; it does not need to be installed or uninstalled. Download and run the msi file to extract the Transwiz. DefProf updates the Default Windows User Profile with the documents and settings from another user profile that you specify. DefProf works with all Windows versions from 7 to Windows 10, in our tests, we haven’t found any compatibility problems with any of the Windows versions tested.
The software doesn’t have an interface since it uses only command lines and the executable must be run via Command Prompt or PowerShell. When running the program, you’ll be presented with all the possible commands to flag any user account as the default account that will be used as the template in the future. It’s very easy to use despite its command-line usage. In conclusion, if you own a computer that has or will have many user accounts created, DefProf is definitely a must-have tool to simplify your workflow.
License: Freeware. ForensiT Ltd. Updated: Feb 18, Download DefProf. SyncMate 7. Quick Macros 2. IsMyLcdOK 5. Top Process Monitor
Download DefProf – MajorGeeks.Download DefProf
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ForensiT Free Downloads
It’s very easy to use despite its command-line usage.