How to Get Free Microsoft Office on iPad & iPhone: Word, Excel & more | Macworld
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App StoreからExcel for iPadをインストールするには – Sign in to download Office

But these days most iPad and iPhone users can access and edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents on their phones and tablets without be required to sign up for Office Read on for more information about how to get Office apps on your iPhone and iPad, and how to make the most of their features.
For related advice, see our Office for Mac buying guide , as well as Which is the best iPad spreadsheet app? You can create, edit, view and print documents, presentations and spreadsheets in the Office apps for free, but to do so you will need to sign in.
Luckily it is possible to sign up for free, you just need to create a Microsoft ID by logging on with your email address and password. The problem arises if you have an iPad Pro or the new iPad Which basically rules out any iPad Pro unless you have one of the older models with a 9. We have an article that discusses how to get Office on iPad Pro for free here.
Because of this you need to have a subscription to Office if you want to use the Office apps on an iPad Pro. Microsoft seems to believe that the iPad Pro is only a professional device, and the inexpensive iPad Other mobile devices. Troubleshooting on Mobile. STEP 4: After you sign in, your account is automatically added to the current app, as well as any other Office apps that are installed on your iPhone or iPad.
STEP 6: Choose the cloud service that you want to add. Enter the email address and password to sign into your preferred service. You’re all set! Or, select a link in the table below to view the help in a web browser. Need more help? Join the discussion. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions.
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「Microsoft Office」をダウンロードしてiPhone、iPad、iPod touchでお楽しみください。 Microsoft Office は、Word 、Excel 、そして PowerPoint をすべて 1 つの How to install Office for iOS on your iPhone or iPad and use the apps with Microsoft iPhone or iPad. Tap from your mobile device to download Word. While the PowerPoint, Word and Excel apps are free to download for iPad users, they are only good for viewing files, unless you have a subscription for.
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Download Microsoft Office For iPad – What is Microsoft Office 2016?
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