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TV Schedule. All Titles TV Episodes Celebs Companies Keywords Advanced Search. Sign In. Season: 1 2 3 4 5 Unknown. Year: S4, Ep1. Error: please try again. Lou and the campers return to camp for another year. Adventures awaits Lou and the campers. S4, Ep2. S4, Ep3. After Gwen accidentally breaks a window, she and Destiny get caught in a web of lies. Ava confides in Gwen and Destiny that she left for camp on bad terms with her mom.
They concoct a plan to mend the relationship by pretending to be Ava with an apology letter. S4, Ep5. Ava discovers a hot spring at Camp Kikiwaka and enlists Noah to keep it a secret. S4, Ep6. Destiny organizes a square dance to raise money to clean Lake Kikiwaka.
S4, Ep7. S4, Ep8. S4, Ep9. When a magazine contacts Destiny to do a story on her community service, Matteo, Gwen and Finn help her clean only one area of the shore, hiding the rest of the trash. S4, Ep Gwen befriends the Extreme Team, a group of campers known for its gutsy outdoor activities; Gwen accepts an invitation to hike to Dead Horse Drop. Matteo looks to science to create a mosquito repellent, then ends up taking credit for something that Gwen invented.
Gwen is surprised when her older brother Jasper unexpectedly shows up to Camp Kikiwaka and encourages her to leave with him. Finn is declared King and gets to run the camp for a week, but he ultimately makes the camp miserable.
The pool at Camp Champion floods the grounds. Barb and her campers are left camp-less. Lou invites Barb and her kids to stay at Kikiwaka for a week, but immediately regrets it.
When Lou discovers the diary of the camp founder, Jedediah Swearengen, she is shocked to learn that her hero was a traitor! Lou discovers that Mayor Higgins, who is up for re-election, is actually a goat! Lou decides to run against him with a sloth named Mrs. With the end of summer on the horizon, Destiny reminds Finn and Matteo that they need to hang as much as possible with the time they have left.
Lou puts on a fundraiser carnival at the camp to raise money for her first cause as Deputy Mayor. Lou is invited to a conference for camp directors, where she has been asked to give a speech. She allows Destiny to come with her but soon regrets that decision. When Ava and Destiny discover that the Grizzly cabin has a much larger bathroom than theirs, they hatch a diabolical plan to convince the boys to switch cabins.
But Lou quickly realizes it may be harder to impress her than expected. The Southern Northeast Conference of Camp Directors encourages Lou and Barb to participate in a camp director swap program. See also TV Schedule. Getting Started Contributor Zone ». Top Gap. See more gaps ». Add episode. Editorial Lists Related lists from IMDb editors. Everything Coming to Disney Plus in June a list of 26 titles updated 6 months ago. January TV and Streaming Calendar. a list of titles updated 11 months ago.
June TV Calendar: New and Returning Shows. a list of titles updated 07 Aug Create a list ». Old Teen TV-Shows. a list of 27 titles created 10 months ago. a list of 37 titles created 3 weeks ago.
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Sign In. Season: 1 2 3 4 5 Unknown. Year: S4, Ep1. Error: please try again. Lou and the campers return to camp for another year. Adventures awaits Lou and the campers. S4, Ep2. S4, Ep3. After Gwen accidentally breaks a window, she and Destiny get caught in a web of lies.
Ava confides in Gwen and Destiny that she left for camp on bad terms with her mom. They concoct a plan to mend the relationship by pretending to be Ava with an apology letter. S4, Ep5. Ava discovers a hot spring at Camp Kikiwaka and enlists Noah to keep it a secret. S4, Ep6. Destiny organizes a square dance to raise money to clean Lake Kikiwaka.
S4, Ep7. S4, Ep8. S4, Ep9. When a magazine contacts Destiny to do a story on her community service, Matteo, Gwen and Finn help her clean only one area of the shore, hiding the rest of the trash. S4, Ep Gwen befriends the Extreme Team, a group of campers known for its gutsy outdoor activities; Gwen accepts an invitation to hike to Dead Horse Drop.
Matteo looks to science to create a mosquito repellent, then ends up taking credit for something that Gwen invented. Gwen is surprised when her older brother Jasper unexpectedly shows up to Camp Kikiwaka and encourages her to leave with him. Finn is declared King and gets to run the camp for a week, but he ultimately makes the camp miserable. The pool at Camp Champion floods the grounds.
Barb and her campers are left camp-less. Lou invites Barb and her kids to stay at Kikiwaka for a week, but immediately regrets it. When Lou discovers the diary of the camp founder, Jedediah Swearengen, she is shocked to learn that her hero was a traitor!
Lou discovers that Mayor Higgins, who is up for re-election, is actually a goat! Lou decides to run against him with a sloth named Mrs. With the end of summer on the horizon, Destiny reminds Finn and Matteo that they need to hang as much as possible with the time they have left.
Lou puts on a fundraiser carnival at the camp to raise money for her first cause as Deputy Mayor. Lou is invited to a conference for camp directors, where she has been asked to give a speech.
She allows Destiny to come with her but soon regrets that decision. When Ava and Destiny discover that the Grizzly cabin has a much larger bathroom than theirs, they hatch a diabolical plan to convince the boys to switch cabins. But Lou quickly realizes it may be harder to impress her than expected. The Southern Northeast Conference of Camp Directors encourages Lou and Barb to participate in a camp director swap program. See also TV Schedule. Getting Started Contributor Zone ».
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